The funniest thing happened yesterday. I had to get some things at the Kasese market, which is about 23 km away from Kilembe. Sister Theresa offered up the hospital's driver, but we had to swing by the convent and pick up one of their housemaids so she could buy some chicken for our dinner today. I was trying to buy matches from this guy so I can light my kerosene stove at home, but he kept trying to sell me cigarettes.
I finished at the market and got in the truck. I was in the front seat and asked the girl where the chicken was, as I wanted to see how their chicken is packaged. I have been VERY hesitant to buy meat or eggs, as I have seen them left outside in the heat and I really don't want to get sick. The girl said the chicken was there and pointed down to the floorboard. There was a live chicken! He was just sitting there, waiting for his fate. I was so shocked, because he didn't make a sound. The girl doesn't speak English so when I asked the driver what she would be doing with him, he drew a line across his neck with his finger, indicating she was going to chop his head off!

I felt bad and laughingly yelled at the chicken to "run for your life!" He didn't listen and when I went to Sister Theresa's today for Sunday dinner, he was on our plates!
This is Sister Theopista. She's the Deputy Administrator of Kilembe Mines Hospital and shares a house with Sister

Theresa. She has severe Malaria for this last week and this is the first day she's even been out of bed. She's one of the nicest and happiest people I know, so I was glad to see that she's feeling better and could join us for Sunday dinner.
This is the view I had as I walked from my house to Sister Theresa's. It's really very beautiful and most people have mango and banana trees in their yards.

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